Notes from An Alien

~ Explorations In Reading, Writing & Publishing ~

Tag Archives: Encouragement for Writers

#WritersBlock ~ Is It Real or Just a Figment of Your Imagination?

If you’re a writer, you may feel you’ve experienced writer’s block—if you’re not a writer and know one, share this article with them… 

So, some writers are sure this blocking is real—some (like me) never have it

My Best Friend (an exceptional author) feels that any block for a writer isn’t really about their ability to write coming to a stop—more like another kind of hindrance—a holding of part of themselves away from themselves.

At least that’s what I’m interpreting my writer-friend meant

So, what if it is a figment of imagination?

What’s a “figment”?

My Oxford dictionary says: “An invented statement , story , doctrine , etc.”.


If we consider fiction writers, their whole purpose is to invent statements, fabricate stories, create doctrines, etc.


So, if writer’s block isn’t “real” but only a figment, a writer should be able to write their way out of it, right?

But, for those who still feel it as a reality, I’ll share some excerpts from an article on LifeHacker-AustraliaThe 10 Types Of Writers’ Block (And How To Overcome Them).

All I’ll share here are the 10 types (with my brief comments)—do go to the full article for their ways to overcome it

1. You can’t come up with an idea.

All I’ll say here is that you might want to consider rephrasing that—I can’t seem to come up with an idea

2. You have a ton of ideas but can’t commit to any of them, and they all peter out.

This one seems over-complicated in its expression—my advice: pick one, commitment or not, and start writing—if that peters out, pick another and continue

3. You have an outline but you can’t get through this one part of it.

I had a detailed outline for my short novel—it was bleeding to death from slashes and overwrites by the fourth chapter—I “rewrote” the outline

4. You’re stuck in the middle and have no idea what happens next.

Well, make something up—use those figments that are always lying around; and, if you don’t see any figments, make some up :-)

5. You have a terrible feeling your story took a wrong turn a hundred pages back, and you only just hit a dead end.

Shame on you—back up 110 pages and reviseIf you still hit that “dead end”, back up further and start again

6. You’re bored with all these characters, they won’t do anything.

Well, they are Your characters—you’re responsible for what they do (usually). Perhaps you need to reconsider the plot—maybe the characters don’t like what you expect them to do and are just on strike.

7. You keep imagining all the reasons people are going to say your story sucks, and it paralyses you.

If this one doesn’t sound like something besides “writer’s block”—perhaps lack of self-confidence or an overactive imagination—you might want to consider throwing the whole thing away and writing, instead, your autobiography

8. You can’t think of the right words for what you’re trying to convey in this one paragraph.

Oh, my—set it aside for awhile? Back up 10 paragraphs and start over?

9. You had this incredibly cool story in your head, and now you’re turning it into words on a screen and it’s suddenly dumb.

Oh, my, again—grab a few figments and create another cool story!

10. You’re revising your work, and you can’t see your way past all those blocks of text you already wrote.

My response for this one is to quote part of what the full article says about it:

“I’m going to go out on a limb and say that if you’re getting stuck during revisions, that’s not any type of Writer’s Block (as nebulous a concept as Writer’s Block is), but rather just the natural process of trying to diagnose what ails your novel.”

Check out the whole article—share it with other writers—let me know what you think in the comments :-)
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The “Lines We Live By” . . .

lines we live by Anyone who blogs five days a week (for nearly three years straight) finds those days when they may have the resources to pull together a blog post but their will to do it is flagging

There is a sense of blesséd grace descending when, on one of those drooping days, your Best Friend sends you an email with a link to some very cool material for a post :-)


Today’s post is dedicated to:

The Reader who wants some insight into the writer’s challenges.

The Writer who needs some insight into resolutions of their challenges.

The Publisher who needs a wake-up call to deeper awareness of the incredibly complex task of writing.

Poets & Writers has a Tumblr blog called Lines We Live By.

Poets and writers can Submit images of the important or evocative quotes they’ve found, like this line from The Writing Warrior: Discovering the Courage to Free Your True Voice, by Laraine Herring:

in harmony

Or, this one from Silver Sparrow, by Tayari Jones:

kill you

Or, this one from Trouble Behind Glass Doors in poet Walter Bergen’s collection, Trouble Behind Glass Doors: Poems:

the places

So, why not get creative with a photo of one of Your favorite Lines We Live By :-)
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