Notes from An Alien

~ Explorations In Reading, Writing & Publishing ~

Making Money As A Writer

I’ve written many posts about writers and money.

Writing for Money

Image courtesy of Caltiva Creatividad ~

Some folks think that only the journalist-type or the non-fiction writer should think about making money

Some folks think that fiction writers shouldn’t consider money and only write for the love of the art

Some folks think the new self-publishing juggernaut can slam them into the mega-sales bracket

Thing is, there’s a bit of truth in all those ways of thinking—a bit

The full truth about any individual’s chance of making money with their writing involves, at least, the following factors:

* How strong their desire is to make money

* How much money they can spare to help them make money

* How much time they have to spend working toward making money

* The choice of venues in which they’re willing to try to make money

From my experience, I’d recommend a writer soberly consider those factors; then, based on their deliberations, make a sound judgement about one more factor:

* Can they generate the staying-power to pursue, faithfully and diligently, the path toward earnings they want to follow?

That’s my two-cents’ worth

Now, I’ll share two very different perspectives on making money as a writer.

The first is from a friend of mine—Angela Yuriko Smith—and is called Three Ways to Build Your Byline.

Her method is simple and sound; and, you might call it the boot-strap method.

Just a couple excerpts from her article:

“In the beginning, you need to show your talents off anywhere you can.”

“It doesn’t matter if you were paid for them or not.  All that matters is you have published peices of paper with your name on them.”

“Now that so much is on the internet, your links are also your clips.  Save the title and link to everything you get published.”

“Give your talents away to everyone who will take them.  I have had so many doors open up because I volunteered to lend my writing for a good cause.”

“Let your words be powerfully promiscuous.”

Do, if you have any desire to make money as a writer, go read Angela’s full piece.

Next, I’ll offer a video with two of today’s rising stars in the writing-for-money “market”—they both make money talking about making money—yet, they both have some good ideas to offer for your consideration

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2 responses to “Making Money As A Writer

  1. Martina Sevecke-Pohlen May 14, 2014 at 4:09 am

    As we can see on the photo above, money can look enticingly colourful. Just like cupcakes. And most of us like cupcakes. But while we can survive without cupcakes, we do need money. If we want to earn some money with our writing we have to look for opportunities. And opportunities that work for others don’t have to work for us. I noticed that I sell less books at Amazon than other writers, but I sell lots of books at kobo and a German e-book-seller. So I have to define my own strategies …


    • Alexander M Zoltai May 14, 2014 at 1:43 pm

      Yes, Martina, and, if I may utter a grand generalization, every writer, if they faithfully appraise their situation, will have at least somewhat different, if not wholly dissimilar, strategies


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