Notes from An Alien

~ Explorations In Reading, Writing & Publishing ~

Daily Archives: January 15, 2017

You Want to Make a Living as a Writer? Are You Crazy?

This re-blog is very practical — I suggest thoroughly thinking through each point she makes…

Live to Write - Write to Live

If you have a passion for writing and have non-creatives in your life, you have probably heard some form of this mantra for years:

No one can make a living writing; find something practical to pursue. 

What’s ‘practical’? What makes sense if your passion is for words? Fitting the square peg into a round hole never works, does it?

The comfort of working for yourself The comfort of working for yourself

It helps to be a little crazy when pursuing something many people can’t relate to. But if you want to make a living as a writer, there are a few skills that can help you succeed.

  • Passion for words – I believe you need to have a yearning to learn about words, to want to play with words, to strive to get sentences just write, to want to share part of yourself through written expression. You want to make an impression on your audience in…

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