Notes from An Alien

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Tag Archives: Michael Kozlowski

Amazon Seems to Be Playing Fair, after All . . .

Five days ago, I published the post, Do We Have to Worry about Amazon Being Heavy-Handed Again? Amazon Label Warning

I reported on a story about Amazon putting warning labels on e-books that have typos and other errors; but, I expressed my wariness about what was being said in the quoted article from goodEreader

I also asked for a heads-up if anyone saw more about this issue

I saw more

First, was an attempt at damage control by the author of the article I’d blogged about—What authors need to know about the new Kindle warning system.

The information in that last linked-to article should have been in the first article

Then, I saw that author John Doppler, in his post, Snark: Amazon’s New Warning Labels, has a wonderful graphic about the warning issue (which you’ll have to take the link to see)—it could be worth a visit, you may have a couple chuckles :-)

In the text of that article, John links to his other article, No, Amazon Will Not Penalize Your Book for a Typo.

Let me first point out that John (in the caption for an image of the author of the first two articles I linked-to) wrote this:

Good E-Reader’s founder, Michael Kozlowski, has a history of posting inflammatory clickbait.

So, my suspicions about Mr. Kozlowski’s first article seem correct (though, I’m a bit embarrassed that I took up a whole blog post about it…) and my judgement about his second article feels justified.

Mr. Doppler sums it up nicely:

“If Amazon’s screeners confirm that a book has issues, there are two possible actions.

“For errors prominent or numerous enough to detract from the reader’s enjoyment, Amazon will place a warning banner on the product’s page alerting customers that the item is under review. Authors and publishers will then have an opportunity to correct the issue and promptly remove the warning banner. (Amazon has already been doing this for years; they’re just expanding the conditions that can trigger an alert.)

“Errors that render the book unusable or incomplete or books that violate Amazon’s Terms of Service will be removed from sale.

“That’s it, friends. Nothing malign, nothing alarming. Just an improvement to quality control that won’t affect any professionally edited and formatted book.”

Thank you, John :-)


I recommend that writers check out John’s site
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