Notes from An Alien

~ Explorations In Reading, Writing & Publishing ~

Still More Conversation about the “Rules of Writing” . . .

This Blog Conversation began on October 15th and continued on Oct. 17th… Rules of writing

I share those links in case you want to see what our readers have already said…


There are many declared “rules” of writing; yet, I’ve made a point to include in those past posts, and will share here, a maxim from author C. J. Cherryh:

No Rule Should Be Followed Off a Cliff.

I’m wondering if you can agree with that…?

You might consider sharing your opinion in the comments…

But, I want to share our latest reader’s comment—from an author in Melbourne, Australia:

“Writing rules are rules invented for folks who want something regulated to hang on to because writing can be frightening, terribly frightening—as Hemingway is reported to have said, ‘It is easy to write. Just sit in front of your typewriter and bleed.’

“But bleeding isn’t fun… So, just like being in the army it feels kinda safer to follow the rules… Except that writing isn’t a drill camp—it’s the wild jungle of your heart that is calling the shots here…

“Just look inside, that’s the secret :-) “

There’s much meaning in this comment…

I wonder if some of you reading this feel like writing is frightening…?

Why should it be…?

Which part of it is frightening…?

Putting the first word on an empty page…?


Coming up with a “good” idea to write about…?


Revising and removing things you like because they just don’t “fit”…?

How about showing something you’ve written to someone else…?

Maybe, sitting in a group and having a discussion about your writing…?

There are folks who love all those activities…

There are folks who become genuinely frightened even considering some of them…

But, how can sitting in front of your typewriter and bleeding be pleasurable…?

Though, I can imagine a few prolific writers trading in their computers for a typewriter; pounding on those keys for a week; and, at least potentially, getting a bloody finger or two :-)

Then, there’s our commenter’s statement about feeling “safer” by surrounding yourself with “rules”…

Does that really engender safety…?

Might it keep you from completely “honest” writing…?


I’ll leave you with all those questions, hoping they’ll encourage your sharing a comment ( it only takes one comment to keep our conversation going... ).

Yet, I need to share my appreciation of our commenter’s statement that looking inside is the “secret”…

And, I’ll leave you with one other powerful statement from our Australian commenter—perhaps, you’ll share your ideas about it in the comments…?

“…it’s the wild jungle of your heart that is calling the shots here…”

If you don’t see a way to comment, try the link at the upper right of this post…
Our Blog Conversations are on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays—the rest of the week, I share valuable posts from other blogs

For Private Comments or Questions, Email: amzolt {at} gmail {dot} com

9 responses to “Still More Conversation about the “Rules of Writing” . . .

  1. martinaseveckepohlen October 20, 2018 at 9:56 am

    I suppose writing can be frightening because it can reveal so much of the writers deepest and maybe darkest feelings. At some point, the subconcious takes over and we discover only afterwards what we have written. Confronting the words of this unknown part of the self can shake our picture of who and how we are. So better hide behind rules, keep them in mind when writing and never let go of the railing they provide …

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: Even More Conversation about the “Rules of Writing” . . . | Notes from An Alien

  3. Pingback: Yet More Conversation about the “Rules of Writing” . . . | Notes from An Alien

  4. Pingback: Further Conversation about the “Rules of Writing” . . . | Notes from An Alien

  5. Pingback: Even Further Conversation about the “Rules of Writing” . . . | Notes from An Alien

  6. Pingback: Still Further Conversation about the “Rules of Writing” . . . | Notes from An Alien

  7. Pingback: Yet Further Conversation about the “Rules of Writing” . . . | Notes from An Alien

  8. Pingback: Yes, We’re Still Having a Conversation about the “Rules of Writing” . . . | Notes from An Alien

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