Notes from An Alien

~ Explorations In Reading, Writing & Publishing ~

A Wonderful Idea from the Nerdy Book Club :-)

O.K., so you may be a reader, writer, or publisher…

But, are you a Book Pusher??

Nerdy Book Club

They say confession is good for the soul so I am here to confess to all of you that I am, “gulp”, a book pusher. And I have no shame – I push to adults and children and not just in book venues either, as you will soon see. I do not discriminate. I take every opportunity to push books and even create situations when I can. I know I am incorrigible and I know I cannot stop. It is an addiction and one that cannot be cured by any drug or doctor. I pushed to doctors and nurses for goodness sakes! Here is my story.

It started innocently enough in the most innocent of places; a bookstore and I just wanted to be helpful. As I was perusing the shelves for new and interesting titles that I needed to read, I couldn’t help but notice the boy, (why is…

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2 responses to “A Wonderful Idea from the Nerdy Book Club :-)

  1. juliecround August 10, 2015 at 6:47 am

    Yes, all the time. I have just offered a local paper a free copy for review and I am taking copies of two books around with me. Last night I read two poems at a folk club from the latest book by our writing group but, although people enjoyed them, it was so near the end of the evening nobody asked to purchase a copy. If I don’t sell them, who will?


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